Barbells for Boobs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides support and education to incorporate physical activity as the foundation for breast cancer risk reduction, treatment, and outcomes in individuals impacted by breast cancer.
“Helen Meets Grace” is a 2-Person, partner workout. Teams can be F/F, M/, or F/M. RX, Intermediate & Scaled Divisions. Registration is $80 per team. 2 T-shirts are included with all online registrations. This competition will be capped at 50 teams so sign up early!
Helen Meets Grace: 3 Rounds for time, Run 400m, 21 Kettlebell Swings 12 Pull Ups. RX: regular pull ups, Intermediate: jumping pull ups, Scaled: jumping pull ups.
Then 30 Clean and jerks. RX: 135/95, Intermediate: 95/65, Scaled: 65/45.
Sign up by October 23rd to guarantee t-shirts.
CVF is proud to partner with Long Life Meal Prep to offer healthy choices to help you meet your goals. This meal prep that will be delivered to the gym for your convenience will keep your fridge well-stocked with prepared meals and healthy protein snacks that will keep you on the right track.
Orders placed online and picked up at the gym will receive a 20% discount!
They offer a great variety of choices and the meals change weekly. They offer weight loss, keto, and muscle gain options.
Check them out and order today.
h https://longlifemealprep.com/menu/ttps://longlifemealprep.com/menu/